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Way Finders & Wild Women
"Tiya, your remarkable new book 'Wild Girls: How the Outdoors Shaped the Women Who Challenged a Nation' invites readers on a journey of insight and humanity to remind us how each life--whether enslaved or dispossessed, marginalized or privileged--takes place on this Earth. Could you tell us why you wrote Wild Girls? Also, who are the Wild Girls and how did you select the books title?" In this conv... posted on Oct 04 2023, 1,366 reads


I Use My Voice as a Weapon of Mass Connection
"I'd always been doing community sings and gatherings, and people ask me, "What do I have to do in order to be able to sing with you?" And I say, "Are ya breathin'? Good. That's the only qualification." And we need that so much. In my talk, I'll be talking a lot about why we need to share each other's music and how important that really, really is..." Melanie DeMore is a singer/composer, choral co... posted on Oct 03 2023, 2,172 reads


I Want to Be Unproductive & Other Poems
Danielle, Coffyn's poem titled, "I Want to Be Unproductive," opens with these evocative lines:
"to ponder the meaning of yellow. to listen as summer cicadas sing their final symphony of the season. to dine with friends. to savor course after course. to inhale the scent of San Marzano tomatoes bathed in balsamic brine. to taste vanilla bean gelato and espresso marry on my tongue. to study th... posted on Oct 02 2023, 5,302 reads


Elizabeth Alexander: Light of the World
"In 2009 at President Barack Obama's first inauguration, Elizabeth Alexander read a poem she wrote for the occasion called "Praise Song for the Day". It was a high point in her celebrated career as a poet, essayist, playwright, and academic. She has published many books of poetry and prose, she taught at Yale for many years, and now she's teaching at Columbia, in New York City, where she was born.... posted on Oct 01 2023, 1,609 reads


Life After Death
Laura Crafton Gilpin was a nurse, poet, and advocate for hospital reform. In 1976, she was given the Walt Whitman Award by the Academy of American Poets for her poetry book, "The Hocus-Pocus of the Universe." She was a founding member of Planetree, an organization dedicated to advancing patient-centered care. What follows is an excerpt from her powerful poem, "Life After Death." ... posted on Sep 30 2023, 8,987 reads


Elijah & Jeremiah
In this short documentary, filmmaker Jenny Schweitzer profiles Elijah Staley (known to many as Carolina Slim) and Jeremiah Lockwood. The duo began busking together in the mid-nineties, and performed old-style rural Piedmont blues for 12 years. "I gave him the opportunity to practice what he knew," says Staley of his much younger counterpart. While filming this documentary, Schweitzer captured the ... posted on Sep 29 2023, 1,198 reads


Touch at A Distance: Language, Music, Sound
This 2007 Radiolab episode takes the listener, "on a tour of language, music, and the properties of sound. We look at what sound does to our bodies, our brains, our feelings and we go back to the reason we at Radiolab tell you stories the way we do. First, we look at Diana Deutsch's work on language and music, and how certain languages seem to promote musicality in humans. Then we meet Psychologis... posted on Sep 28 2023, 1,330 reads


Saying Hi to the Moon
"Lots of times I talk with him. Especially when he gets big and I can see the expression on his face. 'Hi, Moon!' I say, so happy to see him always, 'What's up?'" Jane Wodening is an American artist, writer and the mother of five grown children. She spent ten years living alone, "in a tiny cabin with no amenities at ten thousand feet altitude...During this time I played and thought and hiked, enjo... posted on Sep 27 2023, 3,167 reads


Relational Neuroscience & Art: A Love Story
"I want to tell you a love story. It spans 20 years. A woman exploring tide pools was approached by a 24-legged sunflower sea star who came out of the sea grass, touching her shoe and exploring her pant leg. The woman fell in love with that beautiful creature, and it changed her life forever. The woman is me, an artist, psychotherapist, and student of Relational Neuroscience and Interpersonal Ne... posted on Sep 26 2023, 3,206 reads


Jeffrey Bale: The World Needs Beauty
"Jeffrey Bale received his degree in landscape architecture from the University of Oregon back in 1981. He quickly landed a job at a Portland architecture firm -- but he only lasted 20 minutes behind a desk. Instead, he began traveling the world, finding inspiration in the stunning architecture of Europe and SE Asia. He returned home and began creating elaborate and intricate pebble mosaics from s... posted on Sep 25 2023, 2,451 reads


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Quote Bulletin

When Love gives, it gives all; when it takes, it takes all. Its very taking is giving.
Mikhail Naimy

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